Manga-style Artwork (Computer-Colored)

The pictures in this gallery were all colored using a computer and a software for picture manipulation. For some pictures and effects I also used a small graphic tablet.

Sad Michiru Version 2 (2001-08-31)
Sometimes, things happen in life that make me very sad. And sometimes I try to express my feelings with a picture - and this usually helps me keep my balance.

Another try to color this ink-picture with the computer, this time again in the "anime-cel-style".
Sad Michiru Version 1 (2001-08-30)
See above for a comment. With this picture I've tried a different computer-coloring method. I took my tablet and selected a brush with "oil pastels"-function. I really like the outcome... I guess the pastel-style works well with the sadness of the picture.
Animagic 2001 (2001-06-20)
Since 1999, Germany's biggest Anime-convention "AnimagiC" was held every summer in the city of Koblenz (meanwhile they changed locations). I missed the first one, but I've been there ever since. This year I have again drawn a picture while at the con, doing the raw-sketch and inking there. And I also had the great opportunity to take part in a workshop held by Tadashi Ozawa-sensei. He worked on the "Record of Lodoss War" OVA-series and several other anime and got his own animation-school in Tokyo. Even though this workshop was very short I've learned a lot from him. Domo arigatou gozaimasu!
SD-self-portrait (2001-06-19)
My second try to color a picture entirely on the computer. It shows my real-life self (at that time) squeezed into an SD-figure...
Bluedress (2001-06-18)
My first attempt at "real" anime-style computer coloring. It was only after the "AnimagiC 2001" that I understood how to do it. I still need more practice, though. This picture is still incomplete. I will try to add a suitable background sometime.