Star Wars - Dark Trooper Campaign

Final Episode: Total Eclipse

Chapter 1: Mission Briefing

The time had come for the open assault against Sith-Master Cyrus and his Galactic-Alderaanian Empire. There was only a brief period of time, while he was conducting his dark ritual, when he would be vulnerable, and all combined forces had to work towards this goal. Thousands were going to pay with their lives, yet this was a small price for the survival of the whole galaxy.

General Shore who had accompanied and led the whole operation throughout the mid-rim, had been awarded the honor of acting as supreme commander for the upcoming battle. For this reason he had changed his command ship to the Mon-Calamari cruiser “Endurance”. Aboard this vessel now gathered several decorated heroes of countless battles, as well as fresh and less known fighters to prepare the final battle for the fate of the galaxy.

The conference room with several rows of seats and the central holoprojector was filled to the brim as General Shore welcomed all participants and thanked them in advance for their resolve and devotion, before he started explaining the battle tactics.

The first to leave would be Strike Team Aurek, led by Captain Han Solo and Chewbacca. They were to use a stolen imperial Kappa-class shuttle in order to infiltrate the imperial blockade in the Farnid system and secretly make planetfall on Farnid III. There they would prepare a covert ground assault on the cult site where Darth Maladis, herald of the plague, would be conducting his part of the ritual. The two seasoned veterans were accompanied by Ewok-scout Cookie, Pilot Baran, Near-human scout Larson, Alena tech-engineer Regan and Verpine engineer Sinsua. The big guns were reserved for Corporal Colb Corburn and Gamorrean mercenary Grampclutch. Archaeologist Dr. Shi Ravak was with them as a scientific advisor and as a Jedi-Knight, and grey Jedi-Master Laurentius also had decided to come along, if the Sith insisted on dueling a worthy opponent. Ground mobility was provided by Sullustan Rikx Dinubi and his wheeled scout-tank “Dirt Digger”, which fit nicely into the vehicle bay of the Kappa-shuttle. The vessel even sported ramps for easy deployment of the tank.

Team Aurek had 12 hours time until the final planetary alignment of the eclipse which would lend the cosmic power to the ritual. Shortly before the eclipse all teams were to strike simultaneously to eliminate 3 of the 4 Sith-lords which should render the ritual obsolete. This information had been provided by the last surviving guardian Anpu and that didn’t help to ease the troubled mind of the general, but it was their only chance.

Strike Team Besh consisted of a whole fleet of hastily assembled warships and their starfighter squadrons led by Fleet-Admiral Ackbar onboard his flagship “Home One” which had served him well on several occasions, including the famous Battle of Endor. In addition to several other Mon Calamari cruisers they had Carrack-cruisers, dreadnaughts, frigates and corvettes. The famous “Rogue Squadron” commanded by General Wedge Antilles was supposed to defend the fleet against the assault of TIE-fighters. The same applied to “Wolfpack-Squadron” led by Colonel Greneb and consisting of Lt. Zap Brightman, FO Jarosh “Scrap” Mok, Lt. Miim “Touchdown” Hoob, Lt. Rufos “Nose” Jock, FO “Fox” and Lt. Jen “Watchdog” Tanut as well as the rest of the Wolfpack-members. Their task was to fly to the Tagrom-system that had already been evacuated and nuke Sith-Lord Darth Bellara, the herald of War, out of this world by means of orbital bombardment.

The most important task was up to Strike Team Cresh: Led by Luke Skywalker and Trance Killian this ops team was supposed to board the enemy flagship “Heart of the Eclipse”, fight its way all through the ship to the ritual chamber and finally engage Sith-Master Cyrus in combat and destroy him once his power sources had been disposed of. Trance Killian only brought their most trusted and most valued comrades in arms: Her Twi’lek apprentice and co-pilot Mia De’Ore, Smuggler Randrack Dalarn, mercenary and swordsman Raffael Starchaser, ace-pilot Captain Nick Rivers, Wroonian pilot Su, droid engineer “Chip”, tech-engineer 3rd-class Frank Miller and Ambassador Vengalor. Their ranks were completed by the best commando troopers available to the New Republic high command.

Strike Team Dorn consisted of the second half of the republic fleet under direct command of General Shore aboard the “Endurance”. Besides a fully armed standard battle group including MC80a-cruisers, Carrack-cruisers, Dreadnaughts, corvettes and the apprehended Victory-Star Destroyer “Inferno” the three Nebulon-B-frigates commanded by Cathar Captain Kima N’yarr aboard the “Renewal” had one special task: after passing the supplement starships they were supposed to disrupt the shields of the “Heart of the Eclipse” using their ion-cannons in order for the boarding parties to land safely. Captain Reena Arrowwind and her “Wild Squadron” consisting of several mixed type starfighter groups including the flight officers Jonas Youngriver, Luka, Sabine “Saber” and Arthur were tasked with keeping the TIEs busy. Captain Valen Stryker and his four K-wing mini-squad “King Fish Squadron” were charged with cleaning turrets off the flagship’s hull and blowing holes into the capital ships. Last in this strike team was Ex-General Lando Calrissian who brought along two of his shield-ships that were remote-controlled by him during the battle.

Last of the assigned units was Strike Team Echo, which consisted of Admiral Jon Kaler of the Galactic-Alderaanian Empire and his most loyal captains. They were represented by an encrypted holo transmissions and they were supposed to get rid of their supplement ships in the Kriss-system before blasting Sith-lord Darth Faminis, the herald of hunger, from the surface of the mostly deserted planet. Since Empress Thul had been silent for a couple of days Senator Terence Mo’Ore and Senator Leia Organa-Solo were sent to meet him in the Kriss-system, accompanied by bodyguard Jeannette and the rodian pilot of the consular ship “Rattattouille”, Captain Keeto Sars. It was deemed best to keep an eye out for the allied imperial forces and make sure their allies kept their promise.

After the official briefing had ended the squadron leaders assembled their respective pilots for short briefings of their own. Trance Killian also took Mia De’Ore aside and gave her a data chip in case something would happen to her.

Then all the teams set out for their flights.